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Managing Stress Over the Holidays

Nov 20, 2023

Holiday Stats:
🎄70% of Americans have extra stress during the season.
☃️3 out of 5 struggles with mental health during the season.
🎁60% increase in anxiety
❄️52% increase in depression

Read below or watch the holistic doctor interview here: Interview with Dr.Greg Abbott

Behaviors Driving Your Own Actions: How are YOU stressing YOURSELF out. What obligations are you putting on yourself based on others expectations? What poor habit responses do you know are coming and prepare a plan to counter-act it ahead of time.

Reduce Social Media: Social norms and others pictures and posts will be driving your actions contributing to your decreasing mental health. What does your family enjoy...stick with that! Don't take on others traditions because it 'looks good'.

Ripple Effect: If you are trying to perform 110% on food dishes, parties, cards and gifts. Others may think they need to be at that high bar...going back to the social norm factor.

Identity Search: Time for new traditions. Where are you grounded? Where is your family the most happy? Dive into that instead of forcing activities that may no longer fit the lifestyle.

Pro-Active Conversations: BEFORE the holiday parties and chaos begins, talk with family or partners on where you struggle and how they can support you. Who can save you from that crazy aunt. Who plays what role at which party to share the responsibilities.

Grab up more stress management support here: Services

Newsletter packed full of more tips & techniques!